Wisconsin Pride

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Main Theatre Wed, Oct 18, 2023 7:00 PM
Special PBS Wisconsin and Wisconsin Historical Society Collaboration


See the new documentary Wisconsin Pride. The film shows Wisconsin history through a new lens, bringing hidden LGBTQ+ stories forward and reconsidering our state’s history in that light — including multiple stories from the La Crosse community.


Wisconsin has a long, but hidden, LGBTQ+ history. Before the movement for civil rights and wider acceptance, gay Wisconsinites liberated themselves to live as their authentic selves making unique contributions to our state’s history. Then in the 1970s and ‘80s, LGBTQ+ leaders' fight for equality earned Wisconsin the nickname “The Gay Rights State''.


Before and after the film, see the traveling display We Will Always Be Here: Wisconsin's LGBTQ+ Historymakers in the Rivoli Theatre’s lounge. The exhibit explores the stories of Wisconsin's LGBTQ+ visionaries, changemakers, and storytellers.


This special screening event is presented in partnership with PBS Wisconsin, the Wisconsin Historical Society, the La Crosse Public Library Archives, and the Rivoli Theatre. 


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Optional: Donate to the La Crosse Public Library Archives & Local History (LPLA) Department

The mission of the La Crosse Public Library Archives & Local History (LPLA) Department is to identify, collect, organize, preserve, publicize, and provide public access to primary and secondary resources that document the history of La Crosse and its people. Contributing these primary sources and local La Crosse stories to projects like PBS WI's documentary Wisconsin Pride is just one way of meeting that mission. If you are interested in learning more or hearing about LGBTQ+ history programming provided by LPLA, contact staff at archives@lacrosselibrary.org.